From Ideal to Real - Part 7: Trademarking

I shared my idea for these bags and straps very tentatively with just a few select people. I wanted to get an idea about whether this was as different and desirable as I thought it was. One person I shared my idea with was my work neighbor, Wendy. She informed me that one of her closest friends from Marshall Law Group- Trademarks The Spot was a trademark lawyer and she would be happy to set up an introduction...

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From Ideal to Real - Part 4: F#%k! S$&t! I broke another needle!

My kid has started repeating everything, and while I decided long ago that curbing cursing in front of him was not going to happen (he is going to have to learn the difference between inside words and outside words quickly), the expletives while I was fighting with my sewing machine were excessive. I was using my mom's machine from the 70s, and it was not thrilled to be sewing through 9 layers of fabrics. In fact, it was so unhappy with me, it quit three inches prior to completing my final seam on my first tote prototype...

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How I Find the Time

The first question I get asked when I tell people about this is "How do you find the time?" 
I am very dedicated to my job where I also volunteer my time starting a new women's networking group, I teach classes to college and grad students a couple times each semester, I mentor for AWNY/She Runs It, and I have a toddler. I won't say it's easy by any means, but it's possible. 
One morning I woke up 30 minutes early and sewed two pieces of the laptop sleeve bag before Hudson woke up. It's not much, but if I do two pieces every day for a week week, I'll have it done by Friday. 

My tips for balancing it all...

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Origin Story

One day I was rushing to the train and my laptop strap broke. I cursed my luck and found something in my purse, tied it on, and made the train just in time. 
As it turned out, my rigged handle was incredibly comfortable; it stayed put and didn't dig, while also making the heavy laptop feel light. When I got to the train, two women stopped me to compliment me on my “very pretty bag” and asked where I bought it. I laughed as I explained that I had rigged it just a few moments before out of desperation… and the idea was born.

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Sara AxelbaumComment

Welcome to Litty Bird! A company dedicated to bringing ergonomically comfortable, convenient, and customizable bags to help women master their lives.

Until these are officially for sale, I'll be sharing the story of starting a company from scratch. I can't share the details of what makes the bags unique nor detailed photos just yet (gotta protect the idea) but I'll share the process!...

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Sara AxelbaumComment